Hey there! It’s been a while but there’s been a lot going on. I had recently completed my bronze exam, which is the key exam to post solo licenses. It involves 12 theory exams and a minimum of 3 flight examinations. Shortly after that, I travelled up to Saltby Airfield which is operated by Buckminster Gliding Club. I spent 3 days with them! They were lovely and I got along with so many people I met. I had 8 flights. Five of them were training and then I had three solo flights. I want to say a huge thank you to my aerobatics instructor Tim Beasley for teaching me aerobatics! I have my BGA (British Gliding Association) Standard Aerobatics Badge and have also been cleared to practice Sportsman Level Manoeuvres. Aerobatics is much more than flying upside down and pulling G forces. It teaches precision flying and how to handle the aircraft at unusual angles. It also gives me more of a feel of the aircraft I’m in control of.
Thank You for reading!
