High quality images of your land and/or property. This includes Gardens, Fields, Roads, Estates and Woodland. I am willing to travel to you, depending on how far away you are, travel costs may impend. DISCLAIMER - I do not do the surveying, I am supplying the photos and videos for the surveying.
Property Photos/Videos for Survey
High quality images of your land and/or property. This includes Gardens, Fields, Roads, Estates and Woodland. I am willing to travel to you, depending on how far away you are, travel costs may impend. DISCLAIMER - I do not do the surveying, I am supplying the photos and videos for the surveying.
If a Job is is cancelled and cannot be rescheduled, I will give you a full refund. If you want to reschedule in the future, I will give you a voucher that can be redeemed at any time.